
It's really about you

I’m glad you’re here.

As house music producers and DJs with families and demanding day jobs, I know it can be challenging to find enough time to making music. And we all know that being an artist today involves so much more than just making music. As musicians we are also marketers, social media managers, graphic designers (not necessarily good ones), and bookkeepers.

Have you ever wondered:

  • Is it possible to balance music with a family and a full-time job?

  • How do I keep track of all the small tasks that artists have to complete these days?

  • How do I manage all the roles I need to play as a producer?

  • How can I stay motivated to finish tracks?


If you’re overwhelmed as a house music producer/DJ, or if you’re just looking to level up your productivity and gain clarity, I can help you. 

Most of my professional career has been spent creating systems to help teams and individuals organize and streamline their business. I started applying those skills to my work as a producer to reduce overwhelm and increase clarity — all so that I can make the most of my music time without neglecting other areas of my life. 

To add to what I’ve learned in my work life, I’ve personally invested in coaching, mentoring, and lots of studying. I’ve learned some techniques to improve my time management and productivity. And you can do the same thing. 

I can teach you the same skills and techniques so that you also can make more time for making music while also wearing other hats as an artist, professional, partner, and parent. 

I still haven’t figured out all of the answers to finding balance, but I’m happy to share what I know. 

You are welcome to check out my free articles and videos. I also have free materials available for download to help you get started with increasing productivity and clarity as soon as today.

Are you ready to have clarity and more time for making music?

Get the Release Roadmap

Let this tool be your guide to clarity so that your mind is more free to be creative.